Program visit components

Each program visit will be conducted by one evaluator from the NASAD visit team.  Although the duration and some components of each program’s visit will vary, certain elements are expected to be incorporated into every visit:

  • The evaluator will meet with the program director.
  • The evaluator should have access to student transcripts and course syllabi for the program.
    • Transcripts have been provided to each program; the evaluators are only going to do a quick pass of a few transcripts, but please make them readily available (ideally on a laptop).
    • Program directors should make available this semester’s syllabi for their respective programs (Fall 2013, Spring 2014).
    • Syllabi should be for core required courses. One representative syllabus per course is sufficient; there is no need to have syllabi for all sections of one course.
    • Both transcripts and syllabi would ideally be made available on a laptop or screen for the evaluator to view.
  • The evaluator should see student work. Student work:
    • should evidence iterative process.
    • should include final projects.
    • should be shown from years 2, 3 and 4.
    • should be clearly labeled with name, program, and year.
    • can be pinned up, displayed on tables, shown on websites and digital photographs.
    • can be drawn from previous years as long as the work still represents the expected outcomes of current classes and curriculum.
  • Program visits do not require classroom observations.
  • Program visits do not require meetings with additional faculty and students in the program.
  • Program visits should incorporate the touring of facilities and shops.

***The rule of thumb for each program, as recommended by our visit team, is that the visit should include exemplary, distinctive elements of the program (as schedules allow, of course).  This can vary widely depending on the program — e.g., a making space, critique session, or a particular event or course that speaks to the distinctiveness or unique objectives of a program.


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